Monday, April 20, 2009

ProPublica wants a more transparent government

The Office of Government Ethics is responsible for collecting and disclosing executive branch financial disclosure forms and ethical agreements. While the OGE's site lists which officials have completed the documents, it does not post the documents themselves. The 1978 Ethics in Government Act, which created OGE, forbids OGE from releasing the document.

"So ProPublica, the not yet year-old privately-supported non-profit investigative reporting shop, has taken it upon itself to plug the gap by requesting, collecting, and posting the documents for all to see."
-- Columbia Journalism Review

School strip-search case heads to SCOTUS

The case of a 13-year-old Arizonan girl who was traumatized when school officials strip-searched her looking for prescription drugs heads to the Supreme Court this week. SCOTUS will decide how easy it will be for school faculty to strip-search your child in the future.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Reinigorating public media -- online

Internews Network's Persephone Miel, a recent fellow at Harvard's Berkman Center, thinks taxpayer-funded media -- PBS, NPR, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- should increase their online presence to more effectively serve the American people and their communities.

"There's a really strong sense both within the system, and certainly from a lot of critics, or not even so much critics, but people who want public media to succeed, and value it -- that public broadcasting has a huge potential role to play, as the media landscape shifts and as we shift into more and more online delivery and platform-Agnostic content," she said in an interview with "But there's a really good chance that they're not going to seize that opportunity, and that [public broadcasters] could end up being completely irrelevant to the next wave of journalism -- which would be sad."

Miel also supports not-for-profit funding of public media: "Public media is supposed to be going where the people are, regardless of whether there's money there or not. So the fact that they don't seem to be looking for partnerships with local nonprofit-place bloggers or other things, trying to bring in that new stuff, now that they can -- it's kind of depressing."

Monday, April 13, 2009

CEO of TerraCycle to speak at IC

Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle -- the eco-company that has pioneered the concept that any disposable material can be reused and created into something of value -- will present, "TerraCycle: Revolution in a Bottle," on Thursday, April 23, at 7:00 p.m. in Textor Hall 102.

The company's flagship product, TerraCycle Plant Food™, is an all-natural, all-organic, 'goof-proof' liquid plant food made from waste (worm poop) and packaged in waste (reused soda bottles)! TerraCycle represents the ultimate eco-capitalism success story.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Can flashy new designs save newspapers?

Jacek Utko is an extraordinary Polish newspaper designer whose redesigns for papers in Eastern Europe not only win awards, but increase circulation.

Utko was trained as an architect and has consulted newspapers in Poland, Austria, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and Slovenia. He has received 22 awards in various design competitions, including "World's Best Designed Newspaper" for Puls Biznesu awarded by The Society for News Design in 2004.

Utko talks about his redesign strategy.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

All-time low for FOX programming

FOX is hoping to cash in on the difficult economic situation many Americans find themselves in today. The network's upcoming series "Someone's Gotta Go," will pit employees of small businesses against one another. The losers get laid off.

UK's NHS spends at least £32m a year employing religious personnel

Figures obtained through the UK's Freedom of Information Act reveal that the UK's National Health Service spends upwards of £32 million a year employing hospital chaplains and other religious personnel. The National Secular Society claims this figure is actually closer to £40 million.

According to a article, "These religious provisions, funded by taxpayer money, could instead be used to pay for 1,300 extra nurses or 2,645 cleaners."

The NSS is calling on Health Minister Ben Bradshaw to reallocate the funds, and believes religious institutions -- not the taxpayer -- should foot the £32m a year bill.

Obama to host Seder

Come this Thursday Barack Obama will be the first U.S. President to attend the White House Seder. From Obama's schedule, released Tuesday:

On Thursday, President Obama will participate in an event at the White House where he will discuss the need to enhance the quality of healthcare afforded to members of our Armed Forces and our Veterans. The Press Secretary will brief in the afternoon. President Obama and his family will mark the beginning of Passover with a Seder at the White House with friends and staff.

The Jerusalem Post reports on the response to this story in the Jewish community.

H/t to ThinkProgress.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Reflections of a student activist

A student activist involved with the sit-in at NYU last February reflects on the experience and writes about the "new wave" of student activism.

The student run organization Take Back NYU! occupied the university's Kimmel Center for 46 hours, for which they were suspended. Take Back NYU! demands affordable education, power in their university, rights for campus workers, and support for students in Gaza.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Howard Dean draws a line in the sand on health care reform

Howard Dean sent an email message to MoveOn members today, announcing that he is campaigning with President Obama to win health care for all.

"Today, we draw a line in the sand," says Dean. "A public health insurance option is the only way to guarantee health care for all Americans. And to show that we mean business, we all need to tell Congress we won't settle for less. If 250,000 of you sign this petition, I will personally deliver it to Congress."

The petition asks Congress to give Americans the choice between either a universally available public health care option like Medicare or for-profit private insurance. Dean believes "A public option is the only way to guarantee health care for all Americans and its inclusion is non-negotiable. Any legislation without the choice of a public option is only insurance reform and not the health care reform America needs."

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Izzy Award honors Goodman and Greenwald

Blogger Glenn Greenwald and Democracy Now! host and executive producer Amy Goodman received the first annual Izzy Award on March 31 at the State Street Theater in Ithaca, NY. The award was presented by Ithaca College's Park Center for Independent Media.

Both Greenwald and Goodman spoke to an audience of nearly 800 college students and local residents at the award ceremony. Their speeches touched on our nation's distorted concept of journalism and the independent media's adversarial relationship with mainstream corporate media.

"If you think about it, the term independent media is a strange term," said Greenwald. "The concept of independence is so inherent in what journalism is that if someone says 'independent journalism' it should strike us as a ridiculous redundancy."

Greenwald said that mainstream journalism is conducted in such a way that it is completely devoid of independence. Journalists working for corporate media tend to push conventional tripe as truth and call it journalism. Independent journalists -- especially bloggers -- have a responsibility to be adversarial to those in power, to question and undermine what the government and mainstream media is reporting, said Greenwald.

"Bloggers are a reaction to the things that mainstream journalists do," said Greenwald.

Greenwald believes that the definition of blogging goes beyond a content's format. Just because a mainstream journalists writes online does not mean he is blogging. Bloggers have a distinct and radically different mentality than other journalists. Unlike most journalists, bloggers tend not to be "meek, mindless and deferential."

Goodman's speech focused on the power of grassroots organizing for demanding change from the media and the government.

"Grassroots pressure has the ability to flash a spotlight on injustice and force change," she said.

While journalists will sometimes report the opinions of a minority group -- the "far left," for example -- they will take those viewpoints and isolate them in a quote or sound byte. Rarely does the media report on "the mechanisms for social change from which [those viewpoints] arose." This distorts or hides the full picture of political and ideological debate taking place within American society.

Goodman believes that if the American citizenry takes it into their own hands to make their voices heard, the mainstream media will be forced to respond and present a full spectrum of opinion.

"The media is most dangerous when people are aloud to speak for themselves," she said. "We need media that builds bridges between communities, not bombs bridges."

Goodman sees the media as a huge kitchen table, stretching across the globe, where people of different races, nations and cultures can discuss their communal issues.
She encouraged those in the audience to get involved in the political and social justice issues that matter to them most, so that their voices might be "brought to the table" and, hopefully, incite change. "Half of life is just showing up," she said, quoting Woody Allen.